
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Claire's block for Linsay

Here is my block for Linsay - it was tricky selecting the right tones, but I liked the colour combination that I ended up with. Now that Linsay is in her new house, I was able to walk the short distance there to drop it off and take a look at her sewing room - lovely to have a dedicated space!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Anthea's Charity Block 2014

I didn't have any cute creatures in my stash, so I spent quite some time trawling through the kids section of my local fabric shop. And then some trying to pick a contrast for the centre frame.  I kept coming back to that marvellous Kaffe Fassett purple - it's so full-on isn't it? I knew I had the wobbly stripe at home and so in the end I've made something quite bold that I hope doesn't detract from the cute octopus.
Thanks ever so Katy for coordinating this year's charity quilt.
Anthea xx

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Boys Nonsense for Linsay...from Katy

Linsay, after all the experience I've had with my value quilt, I would have thought it would be easy to pick fabrics for this block, but it was a toughy...I hope you like the combos I made...I did try to find some fabrics with text on them.

Today is Mother's Day and I took some time to sit at my machine and make up these blocks...sewing is food for my soul. My 5 year old sent a sweet note home about his mom, and one of the questions is 'what does my mom like to do?'...his answer was 'sew' (and working and doing laundry...funny!!) My 7 year old said he loves the good food I make and the surprise hockey cards I buy him and the cakes I bake... my boys are full of nonsense...and sweetness.

I don't know what is going on with my machine but I think I have to have it serviced. It seems like it's pulling the fabric to one side, and my tension is off and I can't get it fixed. So the blue block is better quality when it comes to sewing, because I made it first and then the machine went wonky... and the green block is a reflection of my ailing machine and wonky stitch apologies - you don't need to use both of them.

Much love to all of you. It is warm, sunny, and smells like spring here. We are going to go for a hike now along the Ottawa river...


Saturday, May 10, 2014

Decisions decisions

I have finally completed a few extra of my scrappy log cabins from last year and have enough to make a reasonable sized quilt.  Thankyou to everyone that made me a block, I love them all and they really look excellent together.  The variations in grey blues and off whites are just what I was hoping for - some are darker and moodier, others greener and more tropical, and they look marvellous all mixed up.  The variations in the contrast off-whites are delightful too.

I thought I'd post a couple of pics before I start the major job of sewing up my first ever quilt.  I have been experimenting with layouts and here are the final two arrangements as agreed on by Miss 9, Miss 11 and myself.  M wouldn't be drawn.  My original plan has always been the second arrangement, but I am dithering about the first.  What do you think?

Thankyou also to those who generously shared extra strips of fabric.  I did find them useful.

Anthea xx

Anthea's Boys Nonsense for Linsay

I agree with you Amy, this was quick, easy and fun to sew up.  Fabric cut up last night, block whipped up this morning and now lots of admiring and wondering if I should make a quilt like this too!  Just need a few extra days in the week.
I am looking forward to seeing everyone else's blocks and seeing how you put the scrappy version of this quilt together Linsay.

Anthea xx

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Linsay's square from Amy in Canada

Looks like I am a keener again… It seems like my sewing list is short only at the beginning of the month, so I best get it in before I add another Elsa cape (from the movie Frozen for those of you without children under the age of 12- it is HUGE!), curtains, produce bags, hemming dance recital pants, etc. to my list!

This square sewed up very quickly. I hope I chose the values correctly, Linsay! I love the look of this square. I didn't dare take a picture of it outside today. We've had dreary weather all week. At least the snow is gone!

I look forward to seeing all of your squares here. I love the back and forth of this quilting bee. It is so nice to have discussions about colors and fabrics!

My boy's nonsense block.

This afternoon I made my block and it was quick and easy.  I have taken a photo of it outside on my new lawn.  As the photo shows, my lawn is just in its infancy.  The seeds have been down for about 10 days and we have had some good spring rain over the last week.  It is beginning to grow and everyday I can see it is a little more green.  I love Spring.