
Friday, July 25, 2014

A Proud Mom

I just have to share this was done by my 9 year old daughter Hannah for the Modern Quilt Guild fabric challenge with Michael Miller fabrics. We were allowed to use any solid fabric or any Michael Miller print fabric if we wanted. From design concept to binding, Hannah did everything on her own. She sat down with graph paper and colored pencils, sketched, then cut, pieced, ironed, quilted and bound the entire quilt! I am very proud! 
Amy (USA)

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Amy's (USA) block for Amy (Canada)

Hi All!
I hope that everyone is doing well! We are enjoying a beautiful summer here in Iowa. I haven't spent as much time in my sewing room as I would like. To be completely honest with all going on with my nephew, I've been kind of in a sewing slump. This block was perfect because I was able to pull it together quickly and it was a lot of fun! I think this will make a beautiful quilt for your friend.
Amy (USA)

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Jamie Catching Up

Hi Everyone! Here are the blocks I've completed over the last couple of months. Unfortunately, the star block I made for Amy (USA) got lost in the mail. The envelope was actually returned to me without the block in it. I hope someone out there is enjoying that block! Maybe I should be flattered?

Jamie xox

Jamie's Bookcase Quilt - August

Hi Everyone,

I stumbled across a quilt I LOVED on Pinterest a few months ago, and it inspired the quilt I'd like you to help me create. It's a bookshelf quilt, and what I like about it is that there are very few rules. My part time jobs throughout university were always in the university library or at a big bookstore, and my books are my most prized possession, so I completely fell in love with the bookshelf quilt idea.

I've gone back and forth about the size, but I think that because of the picture this quilt will make, I'd like it to be a twin size (or maybe a bit bigger) wall hanging. This means I need 18 blocks, so what I'm doing is having you all make some blocks that have regularly placed and stacked books, and then I'll make a few blocks where the books slant to the side. The reason I'm doing it this way is because I haven't figured out how to make those blocks yet, and I am about to head out traveling for a few weeks and don't have enough time (or fabric!) right now to figure it out and create one to show you! :) However, if anyone feels like they want to challenge themselves and make a block with a slanted book, you're more than welcome to do so. It's not expected whatsoever, but feel free to do so if you like!

With all of that said, there is definitely no rush on this quilt, and I think I've been behind on everyone else's blocks, so please take your time. I probably won't be putting it together until Christmas at the earliest.

I don't want to give you many rules about what kinds of fabric colours or patterns to use for the books themselves, because the idea I am going for is a really robust and varied book collection. You can see from the pictures of the fabrics I've used, that some of the prints actually tell stories of sorts. If you have a fabric that you feel tells a story, that would be great. I don't mind solid colours, but I don't want too many - there should probably be no more than two solid coloured strips in your block.

Here's the inspiration:


For this quilt, I'd like you to divide into teams, as we've done in the past. We'll have two teams. Each person on Team A will create one regular block, and Team B members will create one stacked books block.

Team A - Jennifer, Micalea, Anthea, Katy, Linsay, Stephanie, Pam, Donna Jo

Regular Block - This will be a 12.5" square made of strips of patterned or coloured fabric attached to black strips of the same width to give the illusion of a bookshelf. I would like your patterned strips to be absolutely any colour/pattern/width/height. What I'm looking for is a complete mixture, and this is a fantastic opportunity to use scraps. I actually found that because of the quilts we've already done this year, I already had strips pre-done! All I needed to do was attach black strips of the same width to them.

Here's the one I made:

Team B - Amy, Amy, Claire

Stacked Books Block - For this block, you will create a regular block (see above) that will be turned on its side to make a stack of books. I will leave it to your discretion whether you would like the books to be stacked from long to short, or haphazardly. I'd love a mix, so do whatever you like! I'll also leave it up to you whether you align the books to the right (as I've done) or in the centre - again, I'd love a mixture. If you do the centre method, you'll need black strips on either end - similar to the stacked books quilt we did a few months ago. I'd also like you to leave black space at the end/top, to give the illusion of open space behind the top of the stack.  The square will need to measure 12.5" square.

Here's the one I made:

You will need:
- Solid black fabric - no tone on tone please. You'll need enough strips of this fabric to match up with the patterned/coloured fabric you use.
- As many patterned/coloured strips of varying widths and heights/lengths as it will take to create a 12.5" square block with the black strips.

Here are mine together:

Please feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions! Happy quilting!

Jamie xox

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Katy's June and July blocks...

For some reason, I haven't been feeling my sewing mojo lately. Maybe summer is just too absorbing, but my sewing machine sits idle. I have my 2013 quilt top all put together now and just need to tackle the sandwiching and top stitching...maybe in August. My machine is also misbehaving, so I'm starting to look at new machine options...

That being said, here are my late block photos for June and July. I dropped them in the mail last week, so I hope they've made it safely to their destinations by now.

Much love to all of you...

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Amy's Block

Here is this month's block, hot off the press. It was packed up and taken to the Post Office on Saturday so it is already making its way to Canada.  I also considered choosing this block for my month so I am very keen to see the final quilt.  It is a great block to make, it doesn't take much time and it has a lot of impact.


For Stephanie and Amy (Canada)...Catching Up (again!)

Summer is here and hopefully I will be able to stay caught up for the next two months!

Stephanie here are your two blocks. I liked being able to use my multi language fabric in one of them and to highlight the word BONJOUR since I am in the French speaking part of Switzerland:
And Amy..What a nice gift to give your friend before she leaves for Holland. I'm glad I could be a part of her quilt. I love your color choices!
For both Amy and Stephanie, your blocks are going in the mail first thing Monday morning!
And sorry Ladies, I have to get a bit sentimental here...a few weeks ago my precious kitty was hit by a car and died so I will end this post with a photo tribute to the little sweetie who spent lots of time keeping me company while I sewed:
I hope you are all having a wonderful summer.
Is anyone watching the final of the World Cup tonight?

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Anthea's Disappearing 9-patch for Amy

I had fun selecting fabrics with your colour scheme together Amy: aqua and red are always such a great pairing and I really liked your inclusion of brown.  That seems to add a satisfying bit of emphasis to the block.
I hope you like this version - I think it has turned out a lot redder and pinker than I was anticipating. My suspicion is that one of my soft pinks is not soft enough, so I hope you don't find it too jarring Amy. And I am keeping my fingers crossed that I got the arrangement right.
Anthea x