
Friday, October 31, 2014

November boxed in block

Hi all,

So things had been very quiet at my house, and now they are a whole lot more interesting! Amy mentioned that I was about to have my baby, and he finally arrived a week and a half ago (and 7 days overdue)!

Here he is at 5 days old. We're all doing great, and he is a wonderful little snuggler :)

For my block this month, I've picked a twist on a traditional ninepatch from Elizabeth Dackson. She has a great tutorial on her blog at (
Boxed In Free Block Pattern Cover by Elizabeth Dackson/Don't Call Me Betsy

We are going to go with her default measurements, which make a 12" finished square.

As for colours, I'm going to go with a bright and cheerful rainbow theme, so please pick ONE rainbow colour and use as many different fabrics as you've got in that colour to complete the square. Some solids are ok, if you have them, and repeats within the block are ok too, as long as they are on the diagonal from each other (i.e, not right beside each other in the row or column). If you just have very little pieces and would prefer to sew them together to make some of the bigger pieces, that is ok too. I'm hoping this will help a bit with stash busting... though my stash will have to just keep being patient for another month or two! 

please let me know if you have any questions.


Monday, October 20, 2014

Squares for Claire

These squares are for Micaela and me. Micaela is about to have baby number three, so I offered to do her square this month. I hope these were what you had in mind, Claire! Now just to get them in the mail…  Amy

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Charity Block

Here is my charity block. I also went to choose a fussy cut print and found some really cute dog fabric which I love. My daughter is now keen to have something made out of this too. I started this when the instructions were first posted but didn't see the advice about cut size for the HSTs until I'd already made them all too small! So, I put it away for a bit and recently brought it back out to finish. This quilt is going to look really fun.