
Saturday, January 31, 2015

Katy Catching Up 2.0

I am slowly ticking off every line on my sewing to-do list!!

First, I finished Claire's framed pinwheel block, which I am delighted with. My new machine seems to be better at keeping things in line, so my points are FINALLY lining up... I put the extra HSTs in the card and will mail it this aft!

Then I tackled Donna Jo's flying geese. The turquoise solid is quite bright in real life but appears more navy blue in the picture (I'm just using my phone camera...) I love love love the floral print fabric, which is a Liberty of London print that my mom bought in London back when she was doing a sabbatical at Oxford with my dad and was pregnant with me (that was in 1974!)... it is beautiful...I'd like to make a blouse with it for this upcoming summer....

Then I started to go through my other piles to find out what else I need to do to complete the 2014 projects!

I need to make 2 more of my own stacked book block and will piece this together for a baby quilt for my brother and his wife who are due in June!

I also need to finish 2 more blocks for our 2014 Charity Quilt...I think I will end up top-stitching it with my own machine...hoping to get that done before spring is here... I am not sure who sent me the block with the little Holly Hobby girl, but the size is a bit off...I think I can salvage it by undoing the seams on the edges...we'll see! I ADORE how this pattern looks in bright colours of various shades with the fussy cut centres! I can't choose a favourite!
And quilt from is Almost finished. I just need to finish the top stitching and sew up the edges. I think I'm going to use the 'fold over' method with the backing material.... I have promised this quilt to my mom for her birthday (in 2013...) so I'm way late. She bought me my new sewing machine for my birthday/Christmas and said very sweetly 'maybe now you can finish my quilt?!' soooo...this is first on the to-do list after I polish off Jennifer's January block!'s cold and sunny here with a new blanket of snow on the ground, just the way I like a winter weekend. I'm off to cross-country ski with some girlfriends for a day/night away, and boy do I need it. I started a new job in January and it is leaving me a little bit fried by the weekend...

love to you all,

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Katy Catching Up

I'm sorry for the silence and the late arrival of my blocks from the end of 2014... My sewing machine went on the fritz, and then life got extraordinarily busy, and I lost my sewing mojo...but in December I got a new machine (yay) and I cleared my sewing space and mental headspace, and I'm slowly tackling all of my late blocks... here they are, all put in the mail over the past few days!

Much love and happy new year to you... Looking forward to the new bimonthly schedule this year! Just what I need to keep me motivated and inspired by all of you and your artistic visions.

 Micaela's Blocked in Block in pink, my favourite colour...
 Jamie's stacked books block...I chose these fabrics as a children's book theme...
And a solid bear claw block for Pam...I'm so excited to see a picture of the final quilts.

More on their way!