
Sunday, May 29, 2016

Four Quilts Finished!

All of these quilts are from our group!

The first two are the January/February 2016 quilts for the two little girls whose mom died of cancer in December 2015. I took the blocks home to New Mexico with me in April. My mom and her quilt group helped me all of one day to finish making all of the blocks (each quilt needed 36 blocks!!). I spent another two days sewing the tops together. Finally, one of the quilters from my mom's group (Dotty Bell) used her long arm quilting machine to stitch them together. These quilts were definitely a collaborative effort, and they are beautiful and perfect for little girls!! I would still be making blocks if it wasn't for all of the help. The girls have them now and were thrilled to receive them. We have had a lot of cold rainy weather this spring in Switzerland so they are getting used. Thank you all!

This is the January 2014 quilt. It was long arm quilted by our lovely International Stashes member, Amy (in Iowa). I haven't decided if I am going to keep this one or give it to a friend for Christmas. I have some time to decide.

And finally, our January 2013 quilt. This was also quilted on a long arm machine by our lovely Amy from Iowa. This one is definitely a keeper for ME! So much time and effort from our group went into the making of this quilt.

Ladies! I also have to share with you that I have an art quilt that is currently on exhibition at a textile museum in Germany.
 I have been taking courses with Nancy Crow for the past 8 years. She curated this show and I was invited to participate. I made five large tops over the course of a year and a half. She chose this one:
 A detail...

I have absolutely nothing else in the works right now, so I will be able to get Rochelle's beautiful block finished and in the mail soon!
Hope all of you are doing well!