
Saturday, July 2, 2016

Jennifer's Block for Rochelle

Hi Everyone!

Rochelle, I put your block in the mail earlier this week:

I enjoyed making it so much that I have decided to make a small quilt for my niece using the same pattern. She likes pinks and purples so I will focus on these two colors with some of every other color thrown in. I also plan to make all the center sections purple. I will post a photo when I am done.

Looking forward to getting started on Claire's block next.


Friday, July 1, 2016

July / August Block

Here is my block for July / August.

I would like in total two blocks, both made with fresh green pattered and red patterned fabric, one with a red centre and green points, and one with a green centre and red points.

* Each block should have 4 different patterns of red and 4 different patterns of green.

* The centre and corner squares and remaining triangles I would like in a white on white pattern.

As in the instructions, each fabric for the points starts as a square and is then cut into 2 triangles, each triangle opposite each other in the block

The instructions for the block can be found here:

Here are the blocks I have done as an example:

Please let me know if you have any questions or if the link doesn't work. Happy Sewing!
