Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Amy (Canada)

I agree with the others- I love working in pinks! I surprisingly don't have many pinks that fit the bill, but I hope that this is to your liking, Chris. I love the variations that the squares will have. I think this is going to be soft and lovely! I also love how quickly it sewed up as I just broke my foot (argh!!!) and can't have it down too long these days. Back to the quilt... I am sure this one is going to be gorgeous!


  1. Such pretty fabrics Amy! They look like lovely gift boxes!
    How did you break your foot? So sorry to hear about it but it gives you a great excuse to be waited on for a few weeks!

  2. Oh no! So sorry to hear about your foot--not fun. Love the Amy Butler in these!

  3. There is a lovely touch of retro about these pretty blocks Amy. I am sure they'll slot into Chris' quilt beautifully

  4. They are fabulous Amy, thank you!!I love the fabrics and yes, there is a gorgeous touch of retro. What fun to indulge in all this pink!
